Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pretty Important Personal Things

I cannot believe it's been a week since I've posted anything. And what a week it has been! New computers, more training runs, trip planning, a dead fish and serious vet visits for Pooper cat (telling time later; still too tough to deal with), and more.

Started out last week with helping dad pick out and buy a new PC. (Isn't it always more fun to spend someone else's money?) His new HP system is really slick (especially the monitor), even if the O/S is Windows Vista. I swear I'm gonna upgrade and buy a new laptop someday soon (this one is 5 year ancient!). When I do, I'm seriously considering a MAC! Of course, with dad's new system, I had to try and learn all the nuances of Vista so I could configure it to be "user friendly." That took 4 hours on Saturday, another 2 hours of training today, and we're still not done! But it's a lot of fun, and I really enjoy the quality time with dad.

In between computer stuff, I have been maintaining my training runs. I have another 5K race in 11 days! For anyone reading this who is even remotely interested, my running stats on the left sidebar tell only part of the story (albeit they do show consistency and increased mileage). I'm now trying to run 5 days/week, 15-20 miles total. I still want to run Disney Half Marathon in January 2009.

But today I saw a sign in Starbucks (while buying my triple grande coffee latte) about an ultra marathon, a 100 mile race from Key Largo to Key West, including running the Seven Mile Brige. Now doesn't this look like a lot of fun? Talk about a beautiful course. Why not? Who says I have to run the whole thing? The Inaugural Race is May 18, this year. Well, that's not gonna happen. Who knows about next year? A girl has to have goals, right?

Busy planning two business trips to Tallahassee and Las Vegas (with an Albuquerque side trip to visit Linda). I really want to see the homage to the Beatles, as performed by Cirque du Soleil at the Mirage, but I have to convince Gianni the $150 tickets are worth it (guess I'll be playing those "Slots for Dummies" machines again) and that he can see the show and still have enough sleep time before his meetings.

Coolest thing, though, is my new personalized license plate for the Audi. It came today. Guess you would have to know Gianni and I to understand our nicknames for each other. But this one says it all about me: a diver, a queen angelfish, a dive flag, REEF endorsement, and my nickname.

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