Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't Want to Lose You

An ex-colleague sent me one of those chain emails a couple of weeks ago. You know what I mean: read this, answer these questions, look at the photos, pass this email on to all your friends, and send it back to me, too. Sometimes I do; often I don't. This one struck me somehow, and I sent it out to a few people, with some pretty awesome feedback.
There comes a point in your life when you realize
Who matters; who never did; who won't anymore; and who always will.So don't worry about people from your past.
There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

I've been thinking a lot about my friends these past few weeks -- particularly those from my past -- and sad that I have not been as diligent as I might have been in staying in touch with them.

I am so thankful that my FBI EAP buddy, Nell, still remembers me and sent me the original email. Thanks, Nell, for being my soulmate and solace during emotional Bu episodes - and for being one of the first to reach out to me with a helping hand when I left for Ground Zero.

Thanks, likewise, Faye and Brian; my other FBI EAP friends and partners. I am so glad we still see each other once in awhile (even if over a computer screen). Faye, you have always been *my* counselor, when I most needed it. Brian, you were first my mentor; then my SWAT teammate; truly my partner in EAP; and always my hero.

Nolia - you're my inspiration! You're not just a "shirttail relative," but a soul sister whose laughter and joyful spirit, even through hard personal challenges and life-changing experiences, sustains and motivates me. At least know that THIS family member really appreciates you! I regret that we have not had the chance to spend much time together these past two years - no excuse on my part. My "don't want to intrude" thoughts have meant that I haven't had my regular dose of Nolia madness - and my heart misses that.

Thanks for the thanks, Nancy G!. Hard to believe we were spending spring break together at Mount Union College 25 years ago; nice to know we still think of each other.

Susan, Susan, Susan! What will you be up to next? Or, should I say, where in the world will you be moving to next? I thought, maybe, you'd finally come back to the US and we could dive together in Cozumel, or pace each other in some RUNS together again somewhere. But, noooooo -- now you're moving from Bulgaria to Turkey! I am so PROUD of you (and a little envious!) You've really made a wonderful, exciting, and meaningful life for yourself - and I'm so happy that you share it with Erich.

But probably the real source of inspiration for this blog post - Linda - my dear friend, Linda, who I've known since 1979, when we worked/played together in Washington, D.C. What a wonderful email letter I received from her - detailing the major changes in her and hubby Steve's life during the past year. I look at this picture of the four of us in Key Largo, June 2007, and remember what fun we had watching Gianni float and giggling all the way down in the Jeep to the Keys. Now the two of you are awaiting your next big adventure - hopefully, the PEACE CORPS, and are in that holding pattern. Well, come on back to S. Florida. Stay with us awhile this holiday season. In fact, we do need house/cat sitters. As usual, Gianni and I will be headed off to Cozumel for our annual holiday yoga/dive vacation. We would love to have you visit us for a few weeks, and then stay here in the Villa to watch over things and take care of our Micio Bello cat while we're playing down south. Please think about including us in your cross-country travels.

And, as for the rest of my friends, past and present.
THANK YOU for being a part of my life.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Blinded By The Light

Oh, it's been a mighty fine week!

On Monday, our accountant returned our income tax return - and we got a whole $32 refund! Great news for us since we've had to PAY extra the past couple of years. (I'm only whining a little. We're truly blessed to be surviving this economic crisis in good financial, physical, and personal health.)

Tuesday night, I completed a tempo run on the track in a really decent time - and should be back in shape and ready for the Riverwalk 5Mile run in two weeks. I also finished Week 2 of my 100 pushups a day and 200 situps a day routine, and included 50/50s on the stair stepper, too!

Wednesday morning, Gianni confirmed he had to attend a 4-day conference in Charlotte the first week of May. I told him that I would go with him; we thought we'd travel the weekend before and explore the area. During his meetings, I figured I could find something to do; at least it would be a mini-vacation for us. (But I wasn't really looking forward to the trip.)

You see, I really want to visit my sister at The 7MSN sometime this spring. (And I will get there! I need to ride Hank, pet Deets, help trim Wynonna's toenails, and watch Alan and George proudly pull their little cart!) Or I thought maybe I'd travel up to D.C. and see Tracey and Alex, see the Cherry Blossoms, try to fit in some sightseeing while playing with my dive buddies, and run a 5K or 10K race. But alas, no races in the area that I could find. And Gianni really wanted me to go with him to Charlotte.

But Thursday and Friday I had IT meetings at City Hall. Unemployment is high; the economy is down. Yet there I was yesterday, writing paperwork to (maybe) promote myself into a new position. I became addicted to GIS software (Google Earth was only a start) at the PD two years ago when I started mapping out our city grids for a dispatch map. Now the PD may create a new position, GIS Analyst for Public Safety. And I was asked to write up the details because my great bosses/friends, Donna and Nancy, want me for the job. Yeah and Tee-Hee!

So, on a whim, I checked out The Boss' website, hoping maybe he was playing in D.C. or Albuquerque so I could use that as another reason to travel this spring or summer. Guess what? Bruce is in concert at a smallish stadium in Greensboro, NC (about 92 miles north of Charlotte) on the weekend before Gianni's business trip.

And we have 2 tix to the Bruce Springsteen concert in Greensboro on Saturday, May 5! More later on why Bruce is definitely The Boss. But, if you saw him and E Street perform at Super Bowl halftime, you already know that.

I've been so excited since I got the tickets I've been "Blinded by the Light." All you need to do is check out the lyrics and melody to this song - the first one by Bruce that I ever heard. It made me appreciate his genius - way back in 1973 - when he released it. I've been a fan ever since.