An ex-colleague sent me one of those chain emails a couple of weeks ago. You know what I mean: read this, answer these questions, look at the photos, pass this email on to all your friends, and send it back to me, too. Sometimes I do; often I don't. This one struck me somehow, and I sent it out to a few people, with some pretty awesome feedback.
There comes a point in your life when you realize
Who matters; who never did; who won't anymore; and who always will.
So don't worry about people from your past.
There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
I've been thinking a lot about my friends these past few weeks -- particularly those from my past -- and sad that I have not been as diligent as I might have been in staying in touch with them.Who matters; who never did; who won't anymore; and who always will.

There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
I am so thankful that my FBI EAP buddy, Nell, still remembers me and sent me the original email. Thanks, Nell, for being my soulmate and solace during emotional Bu episodes - and for being one of the first to reach out to me with a helping hand when I left for Ground Zero.
Thanks, likewise, Faye and Brian; my other FBI EAP friends and partners. I am so glad we still see each other once in awhile (even if over a computer screen). Faye, you have always been *my* counselor, when I most needed it. Brian, you were first my mentor; then my SWAT teammate; truly my partner in EAP; and always my hero.

Thanks for the thanks, Nancy G!. Hard to believe we were spending spring break together at Mount Union College 25 years ago; nice to know we still think of each other.
Susan, Susan, Susan! What will you be up to next? Or, should I say, where in the world will you be moving to next? I thought, maybe, you'd finally come back to the US and we could dive together in Cozumel, or pace each other in some RUNS together again somewhere. But, noooooo -- now you're moving from Bulgaria to Turkey! I am so PROUD of you (and a little envious!) You've really made a wonderful, exciting, and meaningful life for yourself - and I'm so happy that you share it with Erich.

And, as for the rest of my friends, past and present.
THANK YOU for being a part of my life.