On Monday, our accountant returned our income tax return - and we got a whole $32 refund! Great news for us since we've had to PAY extra the past couple of years. (I'm only whining a little. We're truly blessed to be surviving this economic crisis in good financial, physical, and personal health.)
Tuesday night, I completed a tempo run on the track in a really decent time - and should be back in shape and ready for the Riverwalk 5Mile run in two weeks. I also finished Week 2 of my 100 pushups a day and 200 situps a day routine, and included 50/50s on the stair stepper, too!
Wednesday morning, Gianni confirmed he had to attend a 4-day conference in Charlotte the first week of May. I told him that I would go with him; we thought we'd travel the weekend before and explore the area. During his meetings, I figured I could find something to do; at least it would be a mini-vacation for us. (But I wasn't really looking forward to the trip.)
You see, I really want to visit my sister at The 7MSN sometime this spring. (And I will get there! I need to ride Hank, pet Deets, help trim Wynonna's toenails, and watch Alan and George proudly pull their little cart!) Or I thought maybe I'd travel up to D.C. and see Tracey and Alex, see the Cherry Blossoms, try to fit in some sightseeing while playing with my dive buddies, and run a 5K or 10K race. But alas, no races in the area that I could find. And Gianni really wanted me to go with him to Charlotte.
But Thursday and Friday I had IT meetings at City Hall. Unemployment is high; the economy is down. Yet there I was yesterday, writing paperwork to (maybe) promote myself into a new position. I became addicted to GIS software (Google Earth was only a start) at the PD two years ago when I started mapping out our city grids for a dispatch map. Now the PD may create a new position, GIS Analyst for Public Safety. And I was asked to write up the details because my great bosses/friends, Donna and Nancy, want me for the job. Yeah and Tee-Hee!
So, on a whim, I checked out The Boss' website, hoping maybe he was playing in D.C. or Albuquerque so I could use that as another reason to travel this spring or summer. Guess what? Bruce is in concert at a smallish stadium in Greensboro, NC (about 92 miles north of Charlotte) on the weekend before Gianni's business trip.

I've been so excited since I got the tickets I've been "Blinded by the Light." All you need to do is check out the lyrics and melody to this song - the first one by Bruce that I ever heard. It made me appreciate his genius - way back in 1973 - when he released it. I've been a fan ever since.
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