Seems all I have done during the past few days while here in Tallahassee is eat. I've learned that eating is a real social activity for most people - and a whole lot more important to others than it is to Gianni and to me. That's probably why we usually just sit in front of the TV with a baked potato and veggies (me) and oatmeal (Gianni) for our typical late-night dinner. And we're really happy with that.
Saturday nights might find us enjoying sushi or Italian, or maybe some type of grilled fish and veggies. But, thank goodness, I can honestly say that I now Eat to Live - and not vice versa. Except for Starbucks, of course. Thank goodness I found one nearby the hotel here so I could enjoy my triple grande latte these past two days while Gianni has been hobnobbing with elevator politicos.
I did manage to squeeze in one run the night I arrived here in Tallahassee - around lovely Lake Ella, just north of the Capitol in downtown. It was actually a really great place to run - lots of people and a smooth .6 mile course around the lake. I was advised by locals that it was a "very safe" place to run. And it was.

(Hopefully) I'll find a place to run in lovely Ocala or Mt. Dora on the way home tonight. I've got to run off some of this food. The trip has been successful in several ways, with great news in my running challenge: I've enticed JP to run Disney Half Marathon with me next January. That will really be fun!
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