In fact, Linda deserves rewards for many things.
1. Best Margarita Maker
2. Champ at Following Dreams
3. Blog Excellence (my running diatribes just aren't that interesting)
4. Gracious Hostess (Extra points awarded for tissue donations)
5. Creative Kitchen Culinary Concoctions
6. Most Patient Horseback Riding Instructor
And now, a Kathleen-designed Special Award to Linda for:
Most Inspirational and Patient Partner to "Dancing with the Stars" burro celebrities, George and Alan, of Mountainair, New Mexico
Most Inspirational and Patient Partner to "Dancing with the Stars" burro celebrities, George and Alan, of Mountainair, New Mexico
Check out this brief amateur video clip** from my camera and see Linda's training talents and techniques (using "Chuck"), and with a guest appearance by my favorite horse, Hank. It is brought to you here "live" for the first time. I can't wait to go back to The 7MSN (in good health) and see the burros Salsa!
Aw, shucks. Thanks! Finally went to the mailbox today - thanks again! From your email, I figured it was something sharp ... like a knife... or a chain saw. I'm lovin' the knives. Better to slice those limes, you know.
It's plain to see what a beautiful relationship you and your sister have with each other.
Were you always so close growing up? Who's older?
I love Linda's blog, too. She does sound like a really terrific all around person. I've heard such awesome things about her locally even.
Hope one day to meet her in person.
When you get back to NM, I hope you'll look me up, too. I'm just about 1 hour north of 7MSN Ranch.
Twinville: Ooooooooh.... I am *so* excited! A new visitor to my website. I had been tentatively thinking about coming out of the closet - you have definitely encouraged me and made my day.
"Beautiful relationship" with my sister? Well, you'd have to ask Linda about that. She's 16 months younger than I am. Until we moved across the country from each other (I'm in Florida), we were never really close, even when we both lived in the same city. We're kind of like night and day; our lifestyles, many of our interests, and personalities are totally opposite. With time and age, I think we've finally learned to appreciate our differences.
Would love to see you when I'm out in the Querky next time. In the meanwhile, I've added your blog to my list of favorites so I can learn more about you, too!
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