Sunday, May 18, 2008

Starting Again

Starting something over -- and over -- and over -- and over: you get the picture. Starting Again seems to be a pattern in my life.

The perpetual challenge of losing the last 10 pounds. I've worked on that one at least 4 times in the past 40 years. And currently, as before, in the last 10 years. Ever since female surgery and menopause. (We won't even go there right now.)

Then there's running. I started "jogging" before I entered FBI Academy as a New Agent in 1983. Kinda sorta liked it, but I basically ran back in the 80's because I had to: it was either run or not graduate -- that was not an option. Continued periodic jogging only because I had to run 1.5 miles during bi-annual FIT tests. And jogged with my buddy, Susan, along San Vicente Boulevard in L.A. because it was the trendy thing to do to meet people.

Then started running again when I went back to Academy in 1990. Even got it right that time: really enjoyed running the hills at Quantico and with my students. Trained, ran (and finished in 4:37:54, thank you very much!) the Marine Corps Marathon in November 1990. Ran some more for several years when I got back to LA, including 3 years as a member of Baker to Vegas 126-mile Relay teams, running Leg 14 (a 10K serious uphill), usually at 3:00 a.m.

Gave up running in LA when Susan moved overseas and my left knee really began to ache. Too many hills. No one to run with. No benefits. Lots of excuses. Ran a little here in Ft. Lauderdale with Gianni when we moved to Florida - that lasted only about a year. He's a short-distance sprinter; I'm a long-distance endurance type.

Started back again, the first time, in 2005; running the Couch-to-5K program pretty religiously, until Hurricane Wilma struck on 10/24. Restarted C25K last October, and actually finished it in January, then completed three 5K races. Started pre-Half Marathon training (I'm registered for Disney next January) the first of April with a "Low Heart Rate" regimen. Only to get sick in Las Vegas 10 days ago. Haven't run since.

But I'm Starting Again. Right now. On the way out to the track with my heart rate monitor. YEAH!

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