Monday, October 13, 2008

Impressive (??) Running Training

WOW! Isn't this cool?
It's a graphic summary of all the running I have been doing from September 12 until yesterday.

Note the black HILLS of Glendale, California - I'd forgotten how "fun" it can be to run hills since, in Florida, that means running up over the causeway above the Intracoastal Waterway -- or the reclaimed Landfill --phew!

The distances are really starting to look good - and note that I ran on the track last week for my time trials. My paces and heart rate aren't shown on the graph, but they're gradually going down.

Yup, think I'll be OK for Disney in January. I can crawl over the line at this point.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Running at O'Dark Thirty

I had to keep telling myself, "It's a good thing. You can do this. Running early in the morning will be good training/practice for Disney." And I do believe that.

This morning was my first group run -- or at least since running with my New Agent's Class at FBI Academy in Quantico during summer 1990! The group I joined, Gold Coast Runners, has a 1/2 Marathon Training Program. I joined Tuesday night; time trialed on the track with a 2 mile run at a 10:12 pace - and really had to push myself to do that. I was happy with the time; not happy with my performance vis-a-vis others in the club - I came in near the end of the pack.

But this morning - despite an auspicious beginning (I really did set my alarm clock for 5:00 a.m.; I just forgot to turn it on!) - I made it on time to the start and ran with the 4 leaders for the entire run. Everyone else who finished ahead of me on the track was *behind* me this morning. Guess it's true. I am built for endurance - not speed.

Don't think I'll ever really enjoy early morning running. But ... springing up out of bed at the very last minute, rushing to throw water on my face and swish toothpaste around, then throwing on running clothes I had religiously laid out last night ... well, it vividly reminded me of early SWAT missions.

Brian, my former partner, always used to tell us, "We leave at O'Dark Thirty." That's me, meeting in the dark to be with a bunch of other crazies -- FBI Agents or runners.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

"Cat"ching Up

Oh no.
Been procrastinating waaaaaay too long.
No competition.
No blog rivalries.
Just me and my thoughts.

New activities - joined a running club.
Training hard for Disney 1/2 Marathon.
Just back from L.A. and seeing family and friends. More to follow.
New kitty! Micio bello.