Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunny Days Are Here Again!

Yeah! The sun is out. The weather has finally returned to "normal" for Florida - in fact, this past week it was in the mid-80's, warmer than usual. Which has been great for me! It was soooooo cold in January - I even built a fire in our fireplace one Sunday.

Don't laugh. I've been living in south Florida for 13 years. My blood is thin. I get cold if the temperature drops below 80: I put on sweaters. About the only good thing I can say about coolish weather is that it's easier to run if the temperature is less than 70. I froze my butt off at Disney - start time temperature was 46 degrees!

It was about 65 degrees this morning when Gianni and I ran the 4th Annual Run Through Central Park, here in Plantation. But the best part of the race? Gianni ran it with me, for once! That's all I wanted for Valentine's Day - his company and encouragement while I ran. I really need to find someone to run and train with, especially for my long distances. I did fairly well: finished 4th of 9 in my old ladies age group (55 to 59); with a decent time of 33:47, or 10:44/mile. Not bad, considering that I haven't been running very much since Disney, with the "cold from hell", long hours at the PD doing training, and Micio's surgery.

Speaking of which, Micio is recuperating very well. He'll be getting his stitches out on Wednesday, at which time he can start acting like a real cat again. He's so cute. See? Here he is in the sun on the back patio enjoying a wee little bit of freedom. But he's so funny! He keeps trying to groom himself by licking his paws and legs. Only he doesn't have access to them because of his "cone". It's painfully silly to watch him pick up his legs and hold them under the cone, and then lick the inside of the cone. I never said he was a smart cat!

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