Monday, November 26, 2007


Addictions. You would think that, after working for a year in the Substance Abuse wing of a locked psychiatric hospital, I would have learned a thing or two about my own addictions.

Well, actually, I guess I did. I know that I can get totally focused on something, to the point of obsession. Take running, for instance. Running seems to be the theme of the day for me. I restarted the C25K -- "Couch to 5K" -- program in September. I had started/almost completed it during the summer of 2005, but was interrupted by Hurricane Wilma, which pretty much screwed up everything here in South Florida.

So tonight I just finished a repeat of Week 5, Day 2, running the day's program (warm up 5:00 walk; run 8:00; walk 5:00; run 8:00; walk 5:00, and a final 3:00 run home) in reverse. I love running at night. And I find that I'm really addicted to running again -- never thought that I would miss it so much, or that I would find that "runner's high."

Total mileage for the day (home to the 19th Hole Golf Club bar, where I **don't** stop for a drink) was 2.32 miles, at a pace of 12:32. Told you.... addiction. To numbers, to keeping track of my stats (including my weight, which is a whole other addiction), and to figuring out which music fits best with the pace. Found these C25K PodCasts designed for the program --really k000l and make running a lot easier (and faster) than two years ago.

Still believe I have another long race in me -- even with my temperamental knees. Talk about addiction. I plan to run another half-marathon. When is another issue.

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