Last night I wrote "as if I didn't have enough to do." And that I sometimes had regrets about retiring because "there's a lot of things I could still do."
I remember a time, not too long ago, when I wandered around the house during the day looking for things to do. I think it was probably bounce back from all those years of working 12 hour days (and nights). It's taken me five years since I moved from the ranks of "on duty" to "former"(once an Agent, always an Agent) to find a comfortable place where I simply enjoy doing anything I want. Or, lots of times, when I do nothing. Gianni has helped a lot with that. He's an expert at enjoying himself while doing nothing. That may sound harsh and critical: it's not. I admire him.
Recently, however, I've started agreeing with two of my other "former" friends, Nell and Peggy. There is SO MUCH TO DO these days that I can't find enough time to do it all. An abbreviated list:
- Final edit of yesterday's post; witty repartee comment on my sister's blog (I love a competition!) and this post
- Answer 6 emails (responding to 6 other TO DO things)
- Breakfast, shower, and pack lunch
- Stop at Starbucks for the usual iced triple grande coffee latte, non-fat, 2 Splendas.
- PD work: Ah..... the TO DOs are endless. So many new projects, so little time: City Map address verifications; design forms in Adobe; verify criminal State Statute tables; maintain laptop inventory; encourage my boss to "de-stress"
- Check in on-line with my Weight Watchers group, "Been There Done That," and give/receive motivation
- Run an EASY 2 miles tonight (Sunday is my first 5K race in 5 years!)
- Finish entering REEF surveys from Cozumel: I still have 4 to upload (and they're a month old!)
- Watch season premiere of LOST: so excited about this one, I may have to enjoy a glass of champagne in front of the tube, with my feet up after my run, cat curled up on my lap, Gianni snoring on the couch beside me
- Wake Gianni up from his yoga room stretching and nap and crawl into bed with the latest OPRAH before nodding off to sleep.