It's probably because we were (and are still?) so different than each other. I mean, really. There I was: Miss Prim and Proper, mathematical, logical, future wannabe Astronaut, eventual Fed. There was Linda: hippie, extremely creative, wildly anti-establishment. I still marvel that I managed to pass security clearances to get into the Bureau. I was certain some of Linda's liberal notions and activities would lead to my rejection.
Anyway. I thought we had stopped competing long ago. In fact, I very distinctly remember a long walk in Alexandria, Virginia -- back about 1990 -- when we decided to stop competing.

But this one is just too fun to pass up. So I accept the challenge.
Linda tagged me today with a game called “MEME.” Here's the rules:
- Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Post seven random or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
- Tag seven people and link to them.
- Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
- I love to stand on my head. It's my favorite yoga pose - Shirsashana.
- I do math problems in my head when I'm running: always working the numbers for pace, distance, time until I drop into exhaustion.
- I've been counting fish for REEF since 2001: I am a Level 3 Fish counter, have conducted 74 fish surveys in 4 Caribbean regions, spent 63 hours underwater, and identified 185 different types of fishes -- the most common: Bluehead Wrasse
and Stoplight Parrotfish.
- My favorite food is sushi. (I know. I know. Kind of a conflict with #3.) If I don't eat raw fish at least once a week, I go into withdrawal.
- My husband tells me I should be a "Beta Tester." I break things: stuff around the house, mechanical objects, and (this is really bad) computers.
- I'm a "Sex and the City" addict: I TiVo the girls and watch reruns over and over - especially Carrie and Alexsander Petrovsky (Mikhail Baryshnikov).
- I sometimes regret "retiring." I loved every minute (well, almost) of my 21 years with the Bu. There's a lot of things I could still do.
- The 7MSN Ranch --- Linda's Ranch: 7 Miles South of Nowhere Place
- TraSea Dives --- Tracey's Place: My Best Dive Buddy
- Alexander's Addictions --- Tracey's Hubby (and My Other Best Dive Buddy) Alex's Hangouts (or Hang Ins)
- The Infinite Knot --- Jeremy's Family: Cousin of Claudia (my stepdaughter) and Gianni's niece
I'm so not getting why you think this is a competition. I thought the point of Meme was to let people who read your blog learn something about you that they might not otherwise learn from reading your blog? What am I missing?
It's just me.
Having lots of fun with this.
And pulling your leg.
Go with it.
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