Monday, December 03, 2007

Running More Does NOT = Weighing Less

Grrrrrr. You would think that all this running I have been doing -- 3 times a week since October, increasing my distance and pace every week -- would have SOME effect on my weight. It has - but in the wrong direction!

It simply is not fair - this getting older, menopause, metabolism thing. I really try to eat healthy. Well, most of the time. I suppose the post-Thanksgiving ham and wine (and the leftover Halloween candy) has not helped very much. I rejoined Weight Watchers online back in September, most of the time getting inspiration and motivation from my fellow Lifetimers in the "Been There, Done That" group. In fact, I usually try to motivate everyone else.

My mantra is, "It's not about the journey, but the destination." I keep trying to just put one foot in front of the other, take one step at a time, appreciate what I'm learning from the struggle. Yeah, yeah. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Bottom line. I want to weigh what I did when I was married, 15 pounds ago. And that just ain't happening easily.

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